The ASOM ASSOCIATION, Kuwait was formed with the intention of promoting social, cultural, educational and sporting activities amongst the members of the association who are resident in Kuwait. ![]() New Executive Committee Formed
The 2014 Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) was held on 11th September 2014 in Mughal Mahal Restaurant. The members of AAK selected new Executive Committee members during the meeting. Click here to find the complete list of nw EC commitee members. ![]() Message from President :
Dear AAK Members, At the outset, let me on behalf of the new AAK Executive Committee take this opportunity to thank you all for reposing the faith on us to handle the affairs of the association. It will be our sincere endeavor to carry out the activities and functioning of our beloved association in a manner befitting the high standards set by the predecessors. Needless to mention that, in a very short span of time, our association has been able to establish itself as a very culturally active, vibrant and socially responsible institution here in here the read the full message from Hon. President Mr. Rajib Lochan Rajkhowa. ![]() Message from General Secretary :
Greetings Dear Members!! On behalf of the new Executive Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the AAK Members and the outgoing Executive Committee for nominating and choosing the new executive committee of AAK under the energetic leadership of Mr. Rajib Rajkhowa to co-ordinate and conduct the activities of the AAK for the 2014-2015 sessions. I hereby seek... Please click here to read the full message from Hon. General Secretary Mr. Bhaskar Hazarika. An Appeal from AASHA![]() As you are aware that this year powerful flash floods have severely affected our motherland, thousands of houses were swept away, bridges collapsed, provincial towns were totally cut off after road and rail links were severed. To start an effective charity process by AASHA, an appeal from Mr. Ranjit Dutta has already been made to all of you. It is a sincere request from the Association to all the members to provide your best possible support; please remember, in times like this, to aid our suffering brothers and sisters is not an option, it is an obligation for all of us who can afford. Let us all come forward and make this endeavor a successful one.
Kuwait Bihu celebration news published in
Assamese daily News Paper ![]() Article about Kuwait Bihu celebration published in Assamese daily news paper "Amar Asom" of 2nd August 2014. Very well written article by our AAK members Mr. Alok Das and Mrs. Debahuti Kakoti Das. Please click here to read the full article.
![]() BIHU 2014
Important Notification from Indian Embassy Kuwait
Ministry of External Affairs has decided to phase out the Non-Machine Readable Passports (Non-MRP). A Public Notice in this regards is attached. Please Click Here for GOI circular.
About UsAbout us... The Asom Association, Kuwait has been registered under Indian Embassy Kuwait, vide letter no. INDEMB/KWT/ASSN/172 Dated March 29, 2009.
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RONGALI BIHU 2014 DVD AVAILABLE NOWThe Rongali Bihu 2014 Celebrations has been captured in the form of a DVD. Interested Members may please collect the copy from Mr. Abhijit Sharma. One copy of DVD is free for each member family.
Photo GalleryArticle published in Assamese Daily![]() Alok Das
Alok Das, an active member of AAK, now has recently penned down number of Assamese articles which are published in Assamese daily news paper.If you want to check out and comment on these articles, CLICK HERE.
New Constitution of AAKThe latest version of the constitution is available for viewing and downloads.
Please click Here. Asom Association Kuwait- Salve for Humanitarian Aid![]() AASHA is a charitable trust under Asom Association, Kuwait (AAK). This is an attempt to support our brothers and sisters in our homeland. AASHA will try to support needy people through difficult times. Fund will be generated on the basis of voluntary DONATIONS and members can VOLUNTEER any number of donations in a year. Minimum limit for such donation on each occasion is KD10.
AASHA is in budding state and needs your support to grow further. AASHA is trying to find out the best credible organization for our charity efforts. All members are welcome to suggest organizations to which the donations can be made. AASHA’s first attempt, collection of FIT-4-PURPOSE used items was successful and thanks to each and every members for their support. We have sent about 500 kg of used items from Kuwait to a NGO name “ABAKASH MAJULI”. We request you to come up with new ideas and suggestions to help us. We are eagerly looking forward for your commitment. CONTACT US for AASHA by clicking here. UTILITIES IN KUWAIT
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